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Connecting through conversations


Pair sounds and pictures to unlock memories

JUMP and Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums worked with health and care professionals at Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust to develop Sounds Around, a game created to stimulate conversation and discussion. It combines sounds, pictures, and interesting facts to unlock a variety of themes that can be expanded on. It has been designed for people with dementia but can be used with many different groups.

Tap or click to start/stop sound

A green train with some steam coming from its chimney Train
A bright red and yellow circus tent with seven juggling balls floating over its roof Circus
A yellow dog sitting and barking Dog
A violin with a bow to its side with music notes coming from it Music
An orange owl sitting on a tree branch Owl
Blue waves crashing underneath a yellow sunshine Waves
Someone running in front of the Tyne Bridge Running
A blue bird sat on a tree branch Bird
Two bells ringing in front of Newcastle Civic Centre Bells
A king or queens crown Royalty
A dark cloud with raindrops falling from it Rain
Four trees together in a field with a path running between them. A flock of birds are flying above them Woodland
A river with stones and grass alongside its edges River
A football boot kicking a black and white football Football
An acoustic guitar with musical notes appearing from it Guitar
A green frog sat on a lillipad Frog

How it works

The game is incredibly flexible and can adapt to the needs of the user
  • The Sounds Around game box
    Sounds Around can be played in a variety of ways and works best with a facilitator to allow the game to run smoothly.
  • The Sounds Around game board
    The board is unfolded and 10 cards are laid out. Each card contains unique illustrations, facts and key themes of discussion.
  • A card with a train picture on it. There are musical notes appearing from it
    Users match sounds from the Tyne & Wear Archives to the cards, discussing memories and associations, placing them on the board when complete.

An archive of sounds

Discover unique sounds to transport you to new places

A curated playlist of sounds can be found on the Sounds Around Soundcloud playlist to lead you through the game. From trains and rain, to frogs and football; the sounds can be selected based on the users interests and passions to simulate meaningful conversations.

A photograph of the Sounds Around game box


Encourage positivity through impactful communication
  • A padlock

    Unlock memories

    Specifically for people with dementia, sound plays a powerful role in unlocking memories. The sounds in the game are calming and realistic, allowing small memories to surface.

  • Two speech bubbles

    Stimulate discussion

    By focusing on the process rather than winning or losing the game, people are encouraged when playing to speak freely about any topics that come up, allowing discussion to flow easily.

  • A star

    Boost mood and confidence

    When communication and cognitive abilities are heightened, it means that an individual is improving self expression and igniting their memory. This state can have several positive effects on mood and motivation.

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